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Table 1 Key search terms for each database

From: Participatory approaches and methods in gender equality and gender-based violence research with refugees and internally displaced populations: a scoping review

Academic databases

Abstract and title search terms*

Medline, PsycINFO, Academic Search Complete, Web of Science and Scopus

TERM ONE: gender equality and GBV

“gender equality” OR “gender inequality” OR “gender equit*” OR “gender inequit*” OR “gender” OR “masculinit*” OR “femininity*” OR “gender norm*” OR “power dynamic*” OR “gender dynamic*” OR “gender role*” OR “women’s empowerment” OR “empowerment of women” OR “empowerment of girls” OR “girls’ empowerment” OR “patriarch*” OR “GBV” OR “gender-based violence” OR “violence against women” OR “sexual violence” OR “physical violence” OR “emotional violence” OR “psychological violence” OR “verbal abuse” OR “intimate partner violence” OR “domestic violence” OR “abuse” OR “femicide” OR “feminicide” OR “human trafficking” OR “trafficking of persons” OR “partner violence” OR “abuse of women” OR “wife abuse” OR “abuse of wives” OR “wife battering” OR “battering of wives” OR “battering of women” OR “spouse abuse” OR “family violence” OR “murdering of women” OR “homicides of women” OR “honour killing” OR “honor killing” OR “acid attack*” OR “acid throwing” OR “sex selective abortion” OR “missing women” OR “missing girls” OR “widow burning” OR “stoning of women” OR “rape” OR “sexual assault” OR “sexual harassment” OR “coerced sex” OR “unwanted sex” OR “unwanted fondling” OR “unwanted touching” OR “harmful traditional practices” OR “FGM” OR “FGC” OR “female genital mutilation” OR “female genital cutting” OR “child marriage” OR “forced marriage” OR “early marriage” OR “sexual exploitation” OR “forced prostitution” OR “sexual slavery”

TERM TWO: refugee/IDP

“refugee*” OR “internally displaced person*” OR “IDP” OR “asylum-seeker*”

TERM THREE: participation

“participat*” OR “engag*” OR “inclusi*” OR “involv*” OR “take part” OR “took part”

  1. *MeSH terms were used for Medline and PsycINFO. MeSH terms were not effective for the other databases