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Table 4 Multiplicative two-way interactions of adverse socio-cultural factors and protective factors on condom self-efficacy (N = 445)

From: A syndemic of inequitable gender norms and intersecting stigmas on condom self-efficacy and practices among displaced youth living in urban slums in Uganda: a community-based cross-sectional study

Variables and product term

Model 1: BIGNδ X A-SRH stigma (β)

Model 2: BIGN X HIV stigma (β)

Model 3: A-SRH stigma X HIV stigma (β)

Model 4: All two-way product terms (β)

Model 5: All two-way product terms, main effect and protective factors (β)

Product terms

BIGNδ X A-SRH stigma

− 0.20*




BIGN X HIV stigma


− 0.01



− 0.15

A-SRH stigma X HIV stigma


− 0.31***

− 0.29*

− 0.26

Protective factors

Sexual history discussions



Safer sexual communication



  1. Covariates include sociodemographic factors: age, gender, and education
  2. *p < 0.05; ** p < 0.01; *** p < 0.001
  3. δBeliefs in harmful inequitable gender norms