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Table 1 List of variables included in the quantitative analysis

From: An analysis of humanitarian and health aid alignment over a decade (2011–2019) of the Syrian conflict





Donors’ disbursements

Health aid


This variable was a sum of the following variables*:

(1) Health General (121)

(2) Basic Health (122)

(3) Non-communicable diseases (123)

(4) Population Policies/Programmes and Reproductive Health (130)

Humanitarian aid


This variable was a sum of the following variables*:

(1) Emergency response (720)

(2) Reconstruction, relief, and rehabilitation (730)

(3) Disaster prevention and preparedness (740)

Humanitarian local strategies and procedures

Percentage of humanitarian plan coverage


The FTS calculates this variable based on the HRP and the reported funding

Percentage of humanitarian funding through plans


The FTS calculates this variable based on the HRP and the reported funding

Number of people in need of humanitarian assistance


This variable was extracted from the “People In Needs” data from OCHA

Use of local systems and channels

The percentage of health aid through a recipient government


These two variables were extracted from the CRS data where “recipient government” is named as the “channel reported”

The percentage of humanitarian aid through a recipient government


  1. * The CRS database has a coding system that identify the purpose of the funding. Data on the destination sector are recorded using 5-digit purpose codes; it is a compulsory classification due to the specific areas that aid tends to support in the recipient’s countries. Thus, aid was allocated to the most suitable code available within each sector [45]. Health aid was outlined by DAC 5 CODE 120: I.2. to 130: I.3, which includes Health General (121), Basic Health (122), Non-communicable diseases (123), and Population Policies/Programmes & Reproductive Health (130). Therefore, health aid represented just non-humanitarian health. So, there is no duplication with humanitarian aid. Humanitarian aid was outlined by DAC 5 CODE with 700: III, which includes: emergency response (720), reconstruction, relief, and rehabilitation (730) and disaster prevention and preparedness (740). These sub-categories have many health-related aspects in emergencies and humanitarian aspects. Nevertheless, they do not intersect with non-humanitarian health sub-categories in the health sector