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Table 4 Example search strategy used to search EMBASE database

From: Telemedicine interventions in six conflict-affected countries in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean region: a systematic review

Search strategy


Searched on 05/03/2020 -> 522 results


(Iraq/ OR iraq* OR baghdad OR erbil OR basrah OR basra OR Syrian Arab Republic/ OR syria* OR aleppo OR damascus OR idlib OR Afghanistan/ OR afghan* OR kabul OR helmand OR Yemen/ OR yemen* OR sanaa OR sana’a OR Libyan Arab Jamahiriya/ OR libya* OR tripoli OR benghazi OR gaza* OR “gaza strip”)


(telemedicine/ OR exp telehealth/ OR tele* OR telenursing/ OR ehealth OR "e-health" OR "emental health" Or "e-mental health" OR "emedic*" OR "e-medic*" OR econsult* OR "e-consult*" OR ediagnos* OR "e-diagnos*" OR "video conferenc*" Or "mobile health" OR mhealth OR "m-health" OR videoconferencing/ OR videoconferenc* OR information technology/ OR information communication tech* OR information tech* OR (store adj2 forward) OR (Mobile adj2 tech*) OR Elearning OR "e-learning")


((internet or digital* or "web-based" or provider or mobile or online or smartphone* or cell*phone* or telephone* or "mobile phone*" or phone* or "phone based" or "text-messag*") adj2 (treat* or intervention* or therap* or consult* or medic* or prescri* or diagnos* or care or manag*))


((mobile or distance) adj2 (educat* or training or learning))


2 OR 3 OR 4


1 AND 5


Limit to yr = “2000–2020”