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Table 1 PICO(S) tool describing the inclusion and exclusion criteria used in the review

From: Models of care for non-communicable diseases for displaced populations in Iraq: a scoping review


Inclusion criteria

Exclusion criteria

Population of interest

People living with NCDs (defined as CVD, HTN and DM) or CVD risk factors

Studies addressing specific NCDs other than the ones described

Displaced persons (IDPs or refugees)

Veterans and former or active combatants

Iraq or Iraqi Kurdistan

People resettled or living in high-income countries (HIC)


All health system levels and care not traditionally facility-based by both parallel and public/private actors

Military hospital with HIC resources

Care delivered across the continuum of care, including prevention, diagnosis, treatment and palliative care


Access to care


Outcome and study types

None, patient outcomes, system indicators


Study design

Quantitative, qualitative and mixed-methods designs Secondary data if primary source not available

Commentaries, reviews, editorials, opinion pieces and weekly or monthly humanitarian updates

Publication date and language

Publication date between 1990 and 2020

Publication prior to 1990


Not in English