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Table 4 Recommendations to enhance effectiveness of GBV coordination in diverse emergency settings

From: Gender-based violence (GBV) coordination in humanitarian and public health emergencies: a scoping review

Dimension of GBv coordination framework


Target groups

Implementing a GBV sub-cluster

1. Ensure funding of dedicated long-term GBV positions at frontline, national, and global levels, including during public health emergencies

Donors, international & national GBV actors

2. Adapt guidance and tools developed by GBV AoR for application in refugee and public health emergencies


3. Improve inter-sectorial engagement by deploying interagency coordinators early

Donors, international & national GBV actors

4. Adapt coordination efforts to context to improve both effectiveness and sustainability


5. Research GBV coordination in diverse humanitarian and public health emergencies to provide more robust evidence on what influences effective GBV coordination in diverse settings

Researchers and donors

6. Conduct research to understand strong leadership and effective coordination in the context of GBV

GBV AoR and Researchers

Prioritisation, advocacy and access to resources

7. Increase multi-year and flexible funding, especially in protracted emergencies

Donors and International GBV actors

8. Proactively address patriarchy, and power imbalances which limit GBV prioritization and involvement of women-led organization's in coordination

Donors, international & national humanitarian actors

Risk mitigation and integration

9. Improve integration of risk mitigation across sectors through dedicated GBV specialists focused on supporting multi-sectorial integration and accountability

Donors, international & national GBV actors

10. Improve engagement with beneficiaries to identify GBV risks, adapt services and promote bidirectional communication and accountability on mitigating risks

Donors, international & national GBV actors

11. Mandate that GBV risk mitigation activities be included and budgeted in all funding proposals, with monitoring and evaluation

Donors, international & national GBV actors

12. Train public health responders on GBV risk mitigation



13. Strengthen subnational coordination mechanisms that engage and facilitate the leadership of local actors

Donors, international & national GBV actors

14. Invest in partnerships to build both GBV technical capacity of frontline actors and to strengthen management systems to be eligible to receive international funding

Donors, UN & international GBV actors

15. Increase funding allocations to national and local organisations

Donors, UN & international GBV actors

Data and information management

16. Limit requests for GBV prevalence data which delay funding allocation hampering GBV responses

Donors and humanitarian leadership

17. Continue to improve the GBVIMS platforms and translate innovations across contexts

GBV AoR and Researchers

Coordination to support service delivery

18. Strengthen evidence on how GBV coordination addresses the needs of marginalised groups (eg, adolescent girls, boys, LGBTIQ +)

GBV AoR and Researchers

19. Increase investment in context appropriate GBV prevention programming, especially in protracted emergencies, through multiyear planning and funding

Donors, GBV AoR and UNHCR

20. Develop practical guidance on approaching culturally sensitive issues such as shame, stigma and social norms within GBV programming, including on training health care workers