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Table 1 Database search terms

From: Factors impacting antenatal care utilization: a systematic review of 37 fragile and conflict-affected situations


“conflict” OR “war” OR “fragile and conflict-affected situations” OR “Afghanistan” OR “Central African Republic” OR Libya OR Somalia OR “South Sudan” OR “Syrian Arab Republic” OR “Yemen Republic” OR “ “Burkina Faso” OR Burundi OR Cameroon OR “Democratic Republic of Congo” OR Iraq OR Mali OR Niger OR Nigeria OR Sudan OR Chad OR “Republic of Congo” OR Eritrea OR “The Gambia” OR Guinea-Bissau OR Haiti OR Kosovo OR Lebanon OR Liberia OR Myanmar OR “Papua New Guinea” OR “Venezuela RB” OR Zimbabwe OR “West Bank and Gaza” OR Comoros OR Kiribati OR “Marshall Islands” OR” Federated Status of Micronesia” OR “Solomon Islands” OR Timer-Leste OR Tuvalu


“antenatal care” OR “prenatal care” OR “maternal health services” OR “skilled birth”