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Table 1: Flashbulb recall test questionnaire—CONPAS 2019

From: Addressing recall bias in (post-)conflict data collection and analysis: lessons from a large-scale health survey in Colombia

Question ID

Question phrasing

Response options


How clearly do you recall Colombia's participation in the 2014 FIFA Football World Cup in Brazil?

0. Does not recall it

1. Recalls it vaguely

2. Recalls it more or less clearly

3. Recalls it very clearly

4. Recalls it vividly


At that time, how much importance did you attach to the event of Colombia's participation in the 2014 FIFA Football World Cup in Brazil?

0. Did not consider it to be of any importance

1. Did not consider it to be very important

2. Considered it somewhat important

3. Considered it very important

4. Considered it extremely important


What stage did Colombia reach at the 2014 FIFA Football World Cup in Brazil?

1. Final

2. Semi-final

3. Quarterfinals

4. Round of 16

5. Did not get through the group stage

6. Does not know


On a scale of 1 to 5 (where 1 is not at all confident and 5 is extremely confident), how confident do you feel about this recollection?

1 2 3 4 5