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Table 1 SRI Part 2: Domains, guiding questions, and response options piloted in the field

From: Measuring self-reliance among refugee and internally displaced households: the development of an index in humanitarian settings

Domain #

Domain content

Guiding question

Response options

Original scoring method


Housing: Housing adequacy

How would you describe your current housing situation?

1. No shelter

2. Makeshift shelter (shack, kiosk, vehicle)/

Shelter not fit for safe habitation

3. Temporarily hosted by friends, family, community/faith group, or emergency shelter

4. Apartment or house, not adequate

5. Apartment or house, adequate

Score is equal to response option number


Housing: Rent

How many months in the last 3 months have you not been able to pay rent?

1. 2–3 times

2. 1 time

3. None

4. Not applicable

Response 1 = 1

2 = 3

3 = 5

4 = Unscored domain



How would you describe your household’s food intake yesterday?

1. Household did not eat yesterday

2. Household was able to eat, but not

even a full meal

3. Household was able to eat 1 full meal

4. Household was able to eat 2–3 full meals

Response 1 = 1

2 = 2

3 = 3

4 = 5



In the last 3 months, have the school-aged children in your household been attending school?

0. No school-aged children in household

1. None are in school

2. Some are in school

3. All are in school

0 = Unscored domain

1 = 1

2 = 3

3 = 5


Health care

In the last 3 months, has your household been able to get the health care needed?

0. Have not needed health care in last 3 months

1. Did not receive the needed health care

2. Received some of the needed health care

3. Received all of the needed health care

0 = Unscored domain

1 = 1

2 = 3

3 = 5


Health status

Does anyone in your household currently have a physical or psychological health condition that interferes with income-generating activities?

1. Adult(s) in household has condition that completely prevents employment

2. Adult(s) in household has condition that restricts or temporarily prevents employment

3. Dependent(s) has health condition that completely prevents adult employment

4. Dependent(s) has health condition that restricts or temporarily prevents adult employment

5. Adult(s) or dependent(s) may or may not have a health condition, but doesn’t prevent employment

Score is equal to response option number



Does your household currently feel safe enough to pursue all of the social, economic and educational opportunities you want?

1. Don’t feel safe enough to pursue any opportunities

2. Feel safe enough to pursue some opportunities

3. Feel safe enough to pursue all opportunities

1 = 1

2 = 3

3 = 5



How would you describe the income-generating activities that household members are engaged in, in the last 3 months?

1. No employment

2. Temporary, irregular, seasonal

3. Regular part-time (including self-employment)

4. Full-time (including self-employment), without necessary legal documentation

5. Full-time (including self-employment), with legal documentation, if necessary

Score is equal to response option number


Financial resources

In the last 3 months, how is your household supporting itself to meet its basic needs? [select as many as apply]:

1. Assistance

2. Borrowing money

3. Selling assets

4. Previous savings

5. Remittances/money/in-kind contributions given by friends or relatives

6. Work (including formal and informal work, petty trade, handicrafts, services, etc.)

- If ‘6’ is not selected, then score is 1

- If ‘6’ is selected AND any other option is selected, then score is 3

- If ‘6’ is the only option selected, then score is 5



Have you relied on assistance for any of the following in the last 3 months? [select as many as apply]:

0. No assistance

1. Food

2. Utilities/Housing

3. Healthcare

4. Education (primary and/or secondary education)

5. Other (include a description in Comments section)

3 or 4 items selected = 1

2 items = 2

1 item = 3

0 items = 5



Do you currently have any debt (no matter how small) for any of the following? [select as many as apply]:

0. No debt

1. Food

2. Utilities/Housing

3. Healthcare

4. Education (primary and secondary education)

5. Transport

6. Investment (include a description in Comments section)

4 or 5 items selected = 1

2 or 3 items = 2

1 item = 3

0 items = 5



Do you currently have any money you have saved or put aside, or assets you could sell if needed?

1. No, no savings or sellable assets

2. Yes, but not enough to cover 1 month’s expenses

(basic needs)

3. Yes, enough to cover 1 month’s expenses

(basic needs)

4. Yes, enough to cover 1 month’s expenses

(basic needs) plus enough to purchase an asset, or reinvest into one’s business, or to sustain a moderate health crisis

Response 1 = 1

2 = 3

3 = 4

4 = 5


Social capital: Financial

If someone in your household were to have an emergency, do you know people that would be able to lend you money to cover the associated costs?

1. Knowns no one who could lend money

2. Knowns someone/has community support that could lend money

Response 1 = 1

2 = 5


Social capital: Relational

Are there people that you or your household members ask for advice and/or information? Are there people that ask you or your household members for advice and/or information?

0. Neither

1. Household members ask others for advice/information ONLY

2. People ask household members for advice/information ONLY

3. Both 1 and 2

Response 0 = 1

1 = 3

2 = 3

3 = 5