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Table 1 Outbreak prone diseases under surveillance in Cameroon and endemic diseases and health events monitored in the project

From: Humanitarian led community-based surveillance: case study in Ekondo-titi, Cameroon

Health event / disease

Case Definition

Rational for including

Outbreak prone diseases

 Acute Flaccid Paralysis

Any child with a sudden onset of acute paralytic disease.

Disease for eradication


Any person with elevated body temperature and widespread rashes on the face and the body

Epidemic-prone due to poor vaccination coverage

 Suspected case of Cholera

Any person aged 5 years or more who has lots of watery diarrhea

Epidemic prone and potential high mortality

 Buruli ulcer/Tropical ulcer

Any person with an ulcer that fails to heal after 2 weeks

Endemic disease in the district with severe deforming complications


Any person with fever and a stiff neck.

Epidemic prone and potential high mortality

Endemic diseases and other events


Any child 6-59 months old with a MUAC less than 115 mm

Endemic and high associated mortality


Sudden movement of at least 50 or more people or 10 house holds

Need to track populations in urgent need of support due to rapid displacements, loss of shelter etc

 Uncomplicated malaria

Any individual with a fever within 24 h

Endemic and high associated mortality

 ARI in children under 5 years old

Fever plus cough or catarrh or difficulty breathing

Endemic and high associated mortality

 Acute watery diarrhea

3 or more watery stools within 24 h

Endemic and high associated mortality

 Neonatal tetanus

Any neonate between 3 to 28 days old who cannot suck normally and becomes stiff

High associated mortality and increased risk due to reduced numbers of births in facilities