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Table 5 Models predicting PTSD, emotional distress, and functioning difficulty

From: Systematic human rights violations, traumatic events, daily stressors and mental health of Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh


Model 1: Predicting PTSD symptoms

R2 = .583, F (8, 469) = 82.05 p < .001

Model 2: Predicting emotional distress (anxiety and depression)

R2 = .382, F (6, 471) = 48.47 p < .001

Model 3: Predicting functioning difficulty

R2 = .451, F (6, 483) = 66.26 p < .001

1. Systematic human rights violations

Stand. β = .095

Stand. β = .160

Variable not included in this model

t = 2.756

t = 3.890

p = .006**

p = .000**

2. Trauma history

Stand. β = .185

Stand. β = .341

Stand. β = .033

t = 5.417

t = 8.461

t = .834

p = .000**

p = .000**

p = .405

3. Bangladesh daily stressors

Stand. β = .000

Stand. β = .105

Stand. β = .336

t = .007

t = 2.725

t = 9.258

p = .994

p = .007**

p = .000**

4. Myanmar daily stressors

Stand. β = .000

Stand. β = .337

Variable not included in this model

t = 2.461

t = 9.029

p = .014*

p = .000**

5. Sex

Stand. β = −.094

Stand. β = .037

Stand. β = −.065

t = − 2.488

t = .868

t = − 1.850

p = .013*

p = .386

p = .065

6. Age

Stand. β = .097

Stand. β = .109

Stand. β = −.017

t = 3.147

t = 2.911

t = −.471

p = .002**

p = .004**

p = .638

7. Feeling humiliated/subhuman

Stand. β = .313

Variable not included in this model

Variable not included in this model

t = 6.885

p = .000**

8. Feeling helpless

Stand. β = .366

Variable not included in this model

Variable not included in this model

t = 8.807

p = .000**

9. PTSD symptoms

Variable not included in this model

Variable not included in this model

Stand. β = .140

t = 1.996

p = .047*

10. Depression symptoms

Variable not included in this model

Variable not included in this model

Stand. β = .362

t = 4.939

p = .000**

  1. *p < .05, **p < .01