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Table 1 Process evaluation framework: domains, dimensions, study population, data sources and data types

From: Distribution of hygiene kits during a cholera outbreak in Kasaï-Oriental, Democratic Republic of Congo: a process evaluation

Process evaluation domains and dimensions

Research question

Core information sought

Study population

Data source

Data type

Domain 1: Implementation

1. Intervention description

a. What was the design of the intervention?

Overall design of the intervention including site, population, health care facility and structure, rationale and timeline

MSF staff implementing the intervention (e.g. field coordinators, medical, logistics, WASH, supply and health promotion coordinators)

Semi-structured interviews (SSIs) and intervention reports and surveillance data from the local & national government including georeferenced maps


b. What are the components of the intervention?

Content of the intervention including the intervention components and selection


MSF cholera guidelines, supply and kit catalogues, intervention reports and activity records (e.g. supply chain freight manifests, purchase orders, distribution lists, attendance registers)


2. Delivery format

Where and when was the intervention delivered?

Description of targeted area, population size, health care facility structure and environment, and timeline of the intervention

MSF staff, local government and national agencies (e.g. WASH and health clusters, PNECHOL-MD)

SSIs, intervention timeline and intervention reports

Qualitative/ Quantitative

MSF staff, local government and other organisations (e.g. Save The Children, UNICEF, Solidarities International, Catholic Relief Services, Action Aid)

SSIs, intervention timeline and intervention reports

Qualitative/ Quantitative

What other interventions (WASH and non-WASH) were provided by MSF?

Documentation of other interventions locally and nationally including the number of “competing” programmes, or components reaching the target population

MSF staff, local government and other organisations

SSIs and intervention reports

Qualitative/ Quantitative

What other agencies were involved in implementation?

Documentation of the other agencies and government structures operating in the targeted area, including their roles and perceptions on the intervention

MSF staff, local government and other organisations

SSIs and intervention reports


How was the intervention demonstrated and explained to users?

Documentation of the delivery format, timing and interaction with intervention recipients

MSF staff (e.g. CHWs)

Structured observations

Qualitative/ Quantitative

MSF staff & intervention recipients

SSIs and intervention reports


What resources were used to implement the intervention?

Human, material and financial resources utilised by the intervention

MSF staff, local government and other organisations

SSIs, intervention reports, activity records and budgets

Qualitative/ Quantitative

3. Dose delivered and implementation fidelity

How many interventions were delivered?

Number of interventions delivered and number of planned interventions


SSIs, intervention reports and activity records and surveillance data


Was the intervention delivered as planned?

Documentation of the content, quality, successes and challenges of the intervention delivered

MSF staff & intervention recipients

SSIs and intervention reports

Qualitative/ Quantitative

Domain 2: Participant response

4. Dose received

How many interventions were received?

Number of interventions received in the households of recipients

Intervention recipients



5. Intervention reach

How many people interacted with the intervention? And their uptake of the intervention?

Number of people in the household who interacted with the intervention and use

Intervention recipients



6. Acceptability

What were the levels of participation and satisfaction?

Comprehension of emotional responses to the intervention, acceptability of the intervention and component preferences

Intervention recipients



7. Barriers

What were the barriers to using the intervention?

Obstruction (physical and/or emotional barriers) to the intervention and concerns with the intervention

Intervention recipients, MSF staff, local government and other organisations



8. Maintenance

How and why was the intervention sustained over time (or not)?

Retention of key messages, target behaviours and reflections of the intervention

Intervention recipients


Qualitative/ Quantitative

9. Unintended consequences

What effects were not captured or were there unexpected outcomes, both related to the intervention and unrelated care?

Reasons for any deviation from the intended activities, interaction with and use of the intervention

Intervention recipients, MSF staff, local government and other organisations



Domain 3: Context


What was the context?

Characteristics of the delivery context (geographical, political, legal, ethical, epidemiological, sociocultural, socioeconomic)

MSF staff, local government and other organisations

SSIs, intervention reports, activity records and budgets


What external factors affected the implementation and the outcome?

Organisational context: culture, agenda, priorities, leadership styles and perceptions of leaders, perceptions on research and evaluation, and other contextual factors

MSF staff, local government and other organisations

SSIs and intervention reports


  1. CHWs Community Health Workers, MSF Médecins Sans Frontières, PNECHOL-MD Programme National d’Elimination du Choléra et de Lutte contre les autres Maladies Diarrhéiques, SSIs Semi-structured interviews, WASH Water, sanitation and hygiene