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Table 2 Adaptation hypotheses across the eight dimensions of the Ecological Validity Model

From: No implementation without cultural adaptation: a process for culturally adapting low-intensity psychological interventions in humanitarian settings


Adaptation hypotheses


- Language should be simplified to match literacy level of providers and study populations


- Material’s graphics should depict individuals from both populations

- Case examples should be adapted to reflect common problems and stressors, reactions and coping strategies among the population, as well as institutions and individuals providing support

- Consider culturally appropriate interaction between providers and beneficiaries (e.g., physical contact, ways of addressing each other).


- Identify sayings and metaphors to express distress

- Identify somatic expressions of psychological distress


- Identify common and culturally appropriate social support and leisure activities

- Consider culturally appropriate ways of discussing sensitive topics (e.g., domestic violence, thoughts of suicide, grief)

- Intervention activities are understood and are appropriate in the cultural context


- Key concepts (e.g., confidentiality, consent, intervention) and titles are correctly interpreted by both populations

- Technical terms (e.g., distress, withdrawal, social isolation) match literacy level


- Intervention goals match social and cultural values


- Intervention delivered in a format that is acceptable to populations (e.g., including family, appropriate location, time between sessions)

- Instruments are validated with target population and revised by volunteers for comprehension


- Address barriers to participation (e.g., child-care, financial situation)

- Address barriers for providers (e.g., time of day of sessions, reaching participant’s house)

- Consider any issues unique to the populations context (e.g., family separation, migratory status)

- Conduct sessions in culturally appropriate locations

- Identify culturally and context appropriate referral pathways