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Table 1 History of conflict in Colombia

From: Health in conflict and post-conflict settings: reproductive, maternal and child health in Colombia



Groups involved

FIRST PERIOD (1958–1982)

Emergence of guerrilla forces, subversive violence, and violence between two political parties.

Guerrilla groups: FARC, ELN, M-19, EPL, Movimiento Armado Quintín Lame, Corriente de Renovación Socialista, PRT.

Colombian Liberal Party, Colombian Conservative Party

SECOND PERIOD (1982–1996)

Was defined by the military strengthening of guerrilla forces and their territorial expansion, as well as the appearance of paramilitaries and proliferation of drug trafficking. Also there were peace process with some guerrilla groups.


Demobilization of some guerrilla groups (EPL and M-19 among others).

Paramilitary groups: ACDEGAM, Autodefensas de Puerto Boyacá, Autodefensas Campesinas del Magdalena Medio, and ACCU. In 1997 they unified as AUC.

THIRD PERIOD (1996–2005)

Exhibited the greatest upsurge in the conflict with the expansion of illegal armed groups, massacres, extortion, kidnapping, drug trafficking.




FOURTH PERIOD (2005–2012)

Known as the period of “readjustment of the armed conflict,” was defined by two crucial processes: 1) a military offensive by the Colombian state, and 2) negotiations and subsequent demobilization of paramilitary groups.

Demobilization AUC



FIFTH PERIOD (2012–2017)

Peace dialogues in Havana between the national government and FARC-EP guerillas, dialogue with ELN guerillas in Quito, reconfiguration of other armed groups in the country.



  1. Fuente: GMH. ¡BASTA YA! Colombia: Memorias de guerra y dignidad. Bogotá: Imprenta Nacional, 2013