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Table 4 Causes of non-adherence (all patients)

From: Cardiovascular Disease among Syrian refugees: a descriptive study of patients in two Médecins Sans Frontières clinics in northern Lebanon


Overall (N = 228)

ACE-I (N = 53)

Statin (N = 108)

Antiplatelet (N = 30)

BB (N = 37)


Did not understand prescription (46%)

Did not understand prescription (47%)

Did not understand prescription (67%)

Doctor’s request (20%)

Did not understand prescription (22%)


Patient’s decision (11%)

Patient’s decision (17%)

Side effects (6%)

Forgot (16%), Side-effects, (16%)

Patient’s decision (16%)


Side-effects (7%), Doctor’s request (7%)

Doctor’s request (6%), other (6%)

Patient’s decision (5%), MSF-stock ruptures (5%)

Patient’s decision (11%)

Side effects (14%)