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Table 2 Health Service Gaps in Lebanon

From: Assessment of the health needs of Syrian refugees in Lebanon and Syria’s neighboring countries


General Area

Summary of Findings

Doocy et al. [64]


Perceived low interest on the provider side; did not ask general questions (60%) or about medication complications (50%).

Parkinson et al. [65]


Could not access healthcare due to complex layout, subject to prejudice at hospitals.

Strong et al. [42]

General (Older population)

Cost was the primary reason for not seeking healthcare (79%).

Benage et al. [34]

Women’s Health

Low number of Syrian refugee women had received all 4 minimum antenatal visits compared to Lebanese women.

Cherri et al. [66]

Women’s Health

Main barrier to accessing contraceptives was cost, being unaware of the services, and refusal form the husband.

Huster et al. [35]

Women’s Health

Low antenatal care attendance reported by Syrian women.

Masterson et al. [37]

Women’s Health

Perception that reproductive health services are unavailable (45%), inaccessible (40%); main barrier is cost (50%).

Tappis et al. [27]

Women’s Health

Cost was cited as the primary reason for not seeking delivery location.

Roberton et al. [33]


Difficulty obtaining vaccines (40%).

Rossi et al. [41]


Low prevalence of fully vaccinated children (54%).

Doocy et al. [2]


Syrian refugees receive NCD care access at the same frequency as Lebanese host community members