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Table 6 Standardised factor loadings for the Anhedonia model

From: A factor analytic investigation of DSM-5 PTSD symptoms in a culturally diverse sample of refugees resettled in Australia

PTSD Symptoms

Anhedonia model


 B1: Recurrent thoughts of trauma


 B2: Recurrent dreams of trauma


 B3: Flashbacks


 B4: Psychological cue reactivity


 B5: Physiological cue reactivity



 C1: Avoidance of thoughts of trauma


 C2: Avoidance of reminders of trauma


Negative Affect

 D1: Trauma-related amnesia


 D2: Negative beliefs


 D3: Distorted blame


 D4: Persistent negative emotional state



 D5: Diminished interest in activities


 D6: Feelings of detachment from others


 D7: Inability to experience positive emotions


Dysphoric Arousal

 E1: Irritability or anger


 E2: Reckless or self-destructive behaviour


 E5: Difficulty concentrating


 E6: Sleeping difficulties


Anxious Arousal

 E3: Hypervigilance


 E4: Exaggerated startle response


  1. N = 244. All factor loadings are statistically significant (p < .001)