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Table 1 Standard CEmONC package in the MSF Khost maternity hospital, Afghanistan, 2013–2014 (expanded from [16])

From: Provision of emergency obstetric care at secondary level in a conflict setting in a rural area of Afghanistan – is the hospital fulfilling its role?

For the mother

 • Administration of parenteral anticonvulsants and antibiotics

 • Administration of uterotonic drugs

 • Manual removal of the placenta

 • Balloon tamponade

 • Removal of retained products following abortion (Manual Vacuum Aspiration or Dilatation & Curettage)

 • Assisted vaginal delivery (vacuum extraction)

 • Surgery: caesarean section, hysterectomy, laparotomy for ectopic pregnancy

 • Perform blood transfusion

For the newborn

 • Standard newborn care including neonatal resuscitation

 • Administration of parenteral fluids, antibiotics

 • Administration of oxygen