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Table 1 Sample Table of Contents for a Desk Review [18]

From: Addressing culture and context in humanitarian response: preparing desk reviews to inform mental health and psychosocial support

1. Introduction

 1.1. Rationale for the desk review (description of current/recent emergency)

 1.2. Description of methodology used to collect existing information (including any database search terms used)

2. General Context

 2.1. Geographical aspects (e.g., climate, neighboring countries)

 2.2. Demographic aspects (e.g., population size, age distribution, languages, education/literacy, religious groups, ethnic groups, migration patterns, groups especially at risk to suffer in humanitarian crises)

 2.3. Historical aspects (e.g., early history, colonization, recent political history)

 2.4. Political aspects (e.g., organization of state/government, distribution of power, contesting sub-groups or parties)

 2.5. Religious aspects (e.g., religious groups, important religious beliefs and practices, relationships between different groups)

 2.6. Economic aspects (e.g., Human Development Index, main livelihoods and sources of income, unemployment rate, poverty, resources)

 2.7. Gender and family aspects (e.g., organization of family life, traditional gender roles)

 2.8. Cultural aspects (traditions, taboo, rituals and practices related to health and well-being)

 2.9. General health aspects

  2.9.1. Mortality, threats to mortality, and common diseases

  2.9.2. Overview of structure of formal, general health system

3. Mental health and psychosocial context

 3.1. Mental health and psychosocial problems and resources

  3.1.1. Epidemiological studies of mental disorders and risk/protective factors conducted in the country, suicide rates

  3.1.2. Local expressions (idioms) for distress and folk diagnoses, local concepts of trauma and loss

  3.1.3. Explanatory models for mental and psychosocial problems

  3.1.4. Concepts of the self/person (e.g., relations between body, soul, spirit)

  3.1.5. Major sources of distress (e.g., poverty, child abuse, infertility)

  3.1.6. Role of the formal and informal educational sector in psychosocial support

  3.1.7. Role of the formal social sector (e.g., social services) in psychosocial support

  3.1.8. Role of the informal social sector (e.g., community protection systems, neighborhood systems, other community resources) in psychosocial support

  3.1.9. Role of the non-allopathic health system (including traditional or indigenous health system) in mental health and psychosocial support

  3.1.10. Help-seeking patterns (where people go for help and for what problems; who accompanies them; potential barriers to access)

 3.2. The mental health system

  3.2.1. Mental health policy and legislative framework and leadership

  3.2.2. Description of the formal mental health services (primary, secondary and tertiary care). Consider the relevant Mental Health Atlas and WHO-AIMS reports among other sources to find out availability of mental health services, mental health human resources, how mental health services are used, how accessible mental health services are (for example distance, fee for service), and the quality of mental health services

  3.2.3. Relative roles of government, private sector, NGOs, and traditional healers in providing mental health care

4. Humanitarian context

 4.1. History of humanitarian emergencies in the country

 4.2. Experiences with past humanitarian aid in general

 4.3. Experiences with past humanitarian aid involving mental health and psychosocial support

5. Conclusion

 5.1. Expected challenges and gaps in mental health and psychosocial support

 5.2. Expected opportunities in mental health and psychosocial support

6. References