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Table 1 Definitions and item domains of instrument

From: Measurement of attacks and interferences with health care in conflict: validation of an incident reporting tool for attacks on and interferences with health care in eastern Burma

General terms


Armed conflict, both international and non-international conflicts, as well as situations that fall short of armed conflict, including internal disturbances such as political or civil violence.


Involve communicating the intention to launch an attack, inflict harm, or impede access.

Interference with Access

Includes acts that restrict the giving or receiving or health care, with or without violence, e.g. blocking entry to facilities, prevention or limitations of movement on roads or through checkpoints.

Victim-specific terms

Health care personnel

Any person providing or attempting to provide health care or attention to a patient such as doctors, nurses, midwives, nurses’ aids, community health workers, ambulance attendants and drivers, pharmacists, and voluntary first aid providers.


Any person seeking medical care, including persons seeking care for disease or injury, routine or preventive health services such as vaccination, prenatal care, or newborn screening.

Perpetrator –specific terms

Government Army

Persons belonging to the military branch of a state authority.

Government Police

Persons belonging to the civil force of a state or local government, responsible for the prevention and detection of crime and the maintenance of public order.


Persons belonging to a group of personnel with a military structure, functioning in support of military forces of a state.

Ethnic armed Groups

Named or unspecified entities bearing weapons not on behalf of the State but on behalf of ethnic minorities within a state

Infrastructure-specific terms

Health care facility

Any building that is known to be the site for the provision of medical services, treatment or storage of medical supplies, whether temporary/permanent or mobile, marked or unmarked.

Health care transport

Any vehicle used to transport persons in need of care or medical supplies (e.g. marked or unmarked ambulance, private car, etc.)

Medical supplies

Any items necessary for the rendering of medical diagnostic services, treatment, management or preventive services.



Attack types:


➢ Physical attacks on health care workers or person(s) seeking care


➢ Physical attacks on health care facilities


➢ Physical attacks on health care transports


➢ Military use of health care facilities


Threat types:


➢ Threat directed health care worker or persons seeking care


➢ Threat directed at health care facility (e.g., to burn it down)


➢ Threat directed health care transports (e.g. to destroy it)


Interference types.


➢ Prevention of access to health worker to provide care to a patient wanting treatment


➢ Interruption in health worker’s treatment of patient


➢ Delay to health worker’s attempt to provide care