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Table 4 Diagnosis and partner treatment

From: A Congolese community-based health program for survivors of sexual violence


n (%)

HIV Test amongst all female patients (survivors and non survivors) using clinic services

Total who consented to having an HIV test

714 (92.5%)

Total with a confirmed HIV positive test result

14 (1.9%)

Symptom based diagnosis for survivors of sexual assault using clinic services

Symptoms similar to STI*

549 (83.6%)

Urinary infection

124 (18.9%)

Other infection (e.g., malaria, fever)

254 (38.7%)

Male partners of survivors treated for STI symptoms**

Total number given treatment


Completion of full treatment

127 (40.8%)

Completion of partial treatment

34 (10.9%)

Refused treatment

24 (7.7%)

Treatment status unknown

126 (40.5%)

  1. *Symptoms similar to STI include pain while urinating, unusual discharge, pain during sex, lower abdominal pain, itching, etc.
  2. **Full treatment refers to women who reported that their male partners completed the full course of antibiotics, partial treatment refers to women who reported their male partners started but did not complete treatment for STI symptoms, and refused treatment refers to women who reported their male partners refused to start treatment for STI symptoms that was sent to them by FORAL physicians. Treatment status is unknown in cases where female partners did not participate in follow-up visits or were unable to report treatment status.