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Table 3 Critical review criteria (background and methodology) and results of three reviewed surveys

From: Learning lessons from field surveys in humanitarian contexts: a case study of field surveys conducted in North Kivu, DRC 2006-2008


















Explain the rationale for the survey





State the objectives





State how the results of the survey are to be used (e.g. advocacy, program monitoring, baseline assessment)





State who wrote the protocol for this survey






Describe the survey setting and relevant dates





Give the eligibility criteria for inclusion in the survey





State the definition of household





Define all outcomes and exposures

Survey instrument(s)




For each variable of interest, give sources of data and measurement methods. Mention if secondary sources such as clinic records were consulted.





a) How was age ascertained?





b) How were deaths ascertained?


How were causes of death ascertained?





c) How were height (length), weight and oedema measured?





d) Reference the formulae and indicators used for nutritional prevalence, CMR and U5MR





e) How was vaccination status determined (card, history, scar?)

Authorization and Ethical Considerations




Was authorization for this survey obtained?





State whether ethical approval approval was obtained





Describe the informed consent procedure





Describe any efforts to address potential sources of bias

Study size




State how the sample size was determined and provide all assumptions. including but not limited to:





a) What design effect was assumed (cluster survey)?


b) What CMR (and U5MR) was assumed?





c) What prevalence of GAM/SAM was assumed?





d) What degree of precision is desired?

Survey Design




Describe survey sampling design





a) Describe household selection procedures





b) Describe procedures to revisit absent households

Survey Teams




Describe training procedures





State number of surveyors and their degree of professional training





State how the survey was piloted

Data Accuracy




Describe strategies to ensure data accuracy (e.g., double entry)

Statistical methods




a) Describe all statistical methods





b) Explain how missing data were addressed





d) Provide software used for statistical analyses