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Table 2 Reported GBV experiences: Types of violence and perpetrators, by reported location of incident

From: Development of a screening tool to identify female survivors of gender-based violence in a humanitarian setting: qualitative evidence from research among refugees in Ethiopia

Location where violence was reported to occur

Violence construct

Country of origin

  Transit to or within host country

Host country – urban and camp settings

Psychological violence

General threats of violence or rape by armed actors, threats against family

  Coercion for assistance with transportation or shelter

Threats of violence, kidnapping

- Armed actors

  - Strangers, acquaintances

- Intimate partner, family, family of partner (based in host country, other displaced setting, or country of origin)

Forced witness of murder rape, including that of family members or neighbors

  Forced witness of rape of others in transit

Threats of withholding finances or food assistance


  - Armed actors, strangers

- Intimate partner, employer

- Armed actors


- NGO officer (camp)


Social stigmatization or isolation on the basis of single marital status, marital choice, FGM choice


Coercion for assistance with finances, food assistance, or shelter

- Perpetrator(s)


- Home community, family, religious affiliates


- Intimate partner, employer


- Other male refugee camp resident,

Social stigmatization or isolation on the basis of sexual violence experience


Social stigmatization or isolation on the basis of single marital status, marital choice, FGM choice

- Home community, family, religious affiliates


- Refugee community, family, religious affiliates

Social stigmatization or isolation with emphasis on religious, ethnic differences


Social stigmatization or isolation on the basis of sexual violence experience

- Armed actors, home community


- Community, family, religious affiliates, refugee community,


Social stigmatization or isolation due to religious, ethnic, clan differences


- Refugee community, host community

Physical violence

Physical violence including beatings or torture

  General physical violence,

General physical violence

- Armed actors, religious leaders or affiliates,

  - Strangers,

- Strangers, family, partner's family


-Host community, other refugee community member(s), other clan or ethnic group,





- Perpetrator(s)

- Armed actors


- Strangers




-Armed actors, partner's family


- Strangers, partner's family

Intimate partner violence


Intimate partner violence

- Husband, ex-husband, boyfriend


- Husband, ex-husband, boyfriend

Other violence


Re-victimization after reporting or disclosure of GBV

- Family, partner's family, other ethnic group/clan


- Prior perpetrator (including but not limited to husband, ex-husband, boyfriend, neighbor/refugee community member)

Violence during pregnancy


Violence during pregnancy

- Armed actors


- Husband, ex-husband, boyfriend

Sexual exploitation and violence

Coerced sex

  Coerced sex

Coerced sex

- Armed actors

  - Strangers (including those providing assistance with transit), acquaintances

- Strangers


- Other refugee community member, employer, NGO staff member (camp)





- Perpetrator(s)

-Armed actors, family or partner's family, stranger, religious leader or affiliate, other community member

  - Armed actors, strangers (including those providing assistance with transit)

- Intimate partner, family or partner's family member, stranger, religious leader or affiliate, other neighbor or community member.

Gang rape

  Gang rape

-Host community member, religious leader or affiliate, employer, NGO staff leader (camp)

- Armed actors

  - Armed actors


Rape during pregnancy


- Armed actors


Widow inheritance


Gang rape

- Husband’s family, home community


- Strangers

Unwanted sexual touching-


Unwanted sexual touching

Armed actors, family or partner's family, stranger, religious leader or affiliate, other community member


- Intimate partner, family or partner's family member, stranger, religious leader or affiliate, other neighbor or community member.


Financial control


- Husband, boyfriend

Other violence types

FGM or pressure to complete FGM on child


FGM or pressure to complete FGM on child

- Home community, family, religious affiliates


- Refugee community, family, partner's family, religious affiliates


Early or forced marriage

- Perpetrator(s)


- Pressure by family, extended family, refugee community (camp)